Thursday, June 15, 2017

Practicing Meditation

I was practicing meditation today.  I like to see myself as practicing and therefore I can experiment and feel free to make mistakes and try new things.

Today my practice was while sitting on an exercise ball.  You know one of those large balls that you can sit on.  Sitting still can sometimes be difficult when you are a person such as me, that is practicing meditation.  :)  So you can grab one of those and join me if you like.  

While closing my eyes and clearing my mind of all thoughts and distractions, I started thinking about the first two steps of the program.  I started using them as the focus of my meditation.

I am powerless and life is unmanageable.  Sometimes I can waste a lot of time and energy trying to be powerful and have every thing/person managed well.  When I am striving for power and manageability in order to feel peaceful, life gets nuts really quickly.  Then it came to me:  God can restore me to sanity.  A Power much Greater than me, can and will restore me to sanity.  I don't need to try and "manufacture" sanity through attempts at control and getting things to go "my way".  What a concept!

God, please restore me to sanity.  May I enter your Loving Presence now and often, to seek sanity.  You are my source of sanity and peace of mind.  Not getting things to go the way I think they need to based on my limited perspective.  Higher Power please wash over me and cleanse me with your loving sanity.  Then I paused for some deep breaths.  "I need you."

Please use me to be of service to you and to others, like so many who came before me.  "Restore me to sanity."  More deep and peaceful breaths.  Thoughts are still and peaceful in my HP's presence.  "Thank you HP!"  Your will be done and not mine.

Time seeking my HP as the source of my sanity is well spent.

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