Monday, June 19, 2017

Attempting to take on the Higher Power's Job?!?

Higher Power, please give me the willingness and the ability to pause the mental chatter, quiet myself and seek your guidance and your will.

 I need a rest from my mental obsession with trying to control the future.  It is exhausting to try and “protect” everyone from every possible dangerous scenario or problem they may encounter in their individual futures.  It is exhausting to attempt to take on the Higher Power’s job and believe that it is my responsibility.

If God and I worked in the same office, I would constantly be “forgetting” where my desk is and sitting down at God’s work station.  (Annoying? I would like to think, God finds it endearing.)  “God, could you at least just sit on half of your office chair, while I squeeze in on the other half?!  No?  OK then how about if I drag my chair over and wedge it right next to yours so I can peer over your shoulder?  I just want to make sure you get this resolved correctly.  I am not saying that I know better than you do, I just am afraid that you are taking too much time to get this taken care of.  I am only trying to be helpful.  You don’t need my help?!  Ohh…  Well…. Yes, I do have other things I could do.  Like…well….  OK yes, brush my teeth, take a shower, clean up the clutter around my area, and do some other self-care.  I guess I could go for a walk.  Maybe enjoy the day.  OK then.  Thank you.  Glad we had this talk.”

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