[ "hp" means Higher Power or God as you understand God.]
The following is something I needed to “hear” today. So I told myself this truth today:
I am not in charge today.
I am not the “hp” in my life today.
So, just for today, I don’t get to judge whether something in me is good or bad.
Since I am not in charge, I can let go of any negative self talk.
That is not in my job description, cause I am not running the show.
I have given that ….turned that over to our HP just for today.
Just for today, I turn my will and my life over to the Care of God as I understand God.
So that means I am not in charge and not responsible for disciplining myself. God is in charge of that.
God is in charge of all things in my life today.
Just for today, I am not going to allow myself to play the hp in my life.
I will let go of any negative self talk.
I will let go of any judging of my actions.
I will leave that up to my HP.
I am an observer and my HP is in charge of defining the value (or lack of value) of behaviors or attributes in me and in my life today.
May I shut off my “head speak” and listen and watch for my HP’s gentle loving guidance today.
Today I am “the Listener” for my HP’s loving guidance.
What is my HP wanting to communicate with me today?
Love to you,