Friday, November 14, 2014

Something I Needed To Hear Today

[ "hp" means Higher Power or God as you understand God.]
The following is something I needed to “hear” today.  So I told myself this truth today:

I am not in charge today. 
I am not the “hp” in my life today. 
So, just for today, I don’t get to judge whether something in me is good or bad. 
Since I am not in charge, I can let go of any negative self talk. 
That is not in my job description, cause I am not running the show. 
I have given that ….turned that over to our HP just for today.

Just for today, I turn my will and my life over to the Care of God as I understand God.  
So that means I am not in charge and not responsible for disciplining myself.  God is in charge of that. 
God is in charge of all things in my life today. 
Just for today, I am not going to allow myself to play the hp in my life. 
I will let go of any negative self talk. 
I will let go of any judging of my actions. 
I will leave that up to my HP. 
I am an observer and my HP is in charge of defining the value (or lack of value) of behaviors or attributes in me and in my life today.

May I shut off my “head speak” and listen and watch for my HP’s gentle loving guidance today.

Today I am “the Listener” for my HP’s loving guidance.

What is my HP wanting to communicate with me today?

Love to you,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Your Will Be Done

Dear God,
Your will be done and not mine. 
I turn my will and my life….everyone and everything over to Your Care. 
Help me Love.
Thanks for always being and for all You do.  Help me to love You and know You as You intend. 
Please remove my character defects that are in the way of my usefulness to You and others.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Let Go and Let Your HP Handle It. [HP is your Higher Power, God as you understand God]

I am feeling an amazing Peace thanks to turning all my “issues” over to my HP’s Most Loving Absolute Care.  When I see/visualize myself putting anything I am concerned about in my HP’s Hands….and leaving it there….and my HP taking it from my “To Worry” list….I feel very amazingly peaceful. I accept that I am powerless to change all things outside of myself. …and most things inside myself….on my abilities. When my issues are left in God’s Most Loving Care, I can go about my day feeling relaxed. All is well, when I am not trying to be the “hp”. Not for me and not for anyone else.

Right now, see yourself taking what is bothering you…..and put it in the outstretched Loving Hands of your HP. See your HP taking all of it and putting it securely behind your HP. You can no longer see it. You have let it go, and your HP has completely taken it into God’s Most Loving Perfect Care. The Greater Good will now happen for that issue. The Greater Good for all concerned is my HP’s Will. I may not see it. My vision is limited. Only our HP can see the Big Picture. Only our HP can work this issue out for it’s eventual Greater Good. We can trust that completely. The issue has already been taken care of. We have turned it over to our HP. It is no longer our issue. Our HP has got this one.

We do not need to worry. God has this one.

Oh….and I almost forgot:

Be kind and gentle with yourself. You are doing the best you can. We are powerless and our lives will always be unmanageable, for one reason or another. Will this prevent us from being happy and being filled with God’s Peace? It does not need to. If we work our program, just for today. You can do that. Just for right now. Let go and let God handle it. It is no longer your issue to struggle over. It no longer belongs to you. It is securely in your HP’s Care.


Monday, November 10, 2014

God is not limited...

God is not limited by my lack of awareness and inability to understand God’s Power, Love, wisdom, strength, plan, purposes, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and healing. 

God is in charge and I am not.

I don’t need to worry.

All is well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy Camper

I am really feeling grateful for today. 
I am thankful that I can ask my HP to take my thoughts and make them be as God would intend. 
My attitude is so much better, when I believe that I am powerless over people, places and things. 
I don’t need things to be other than they are right now. 
I don’t have to worry about what happens next. 
I can spend my time enjoying life, and not being all stressed out trying to control it. 
By turning over my will and my life to the care of my HP, I don’t need to worry. 
My HP’s job is to make sure that the Greatest Good is the end result. 
What is most loving for me and for others, is the will of my HP. 
When I am not pretending to be the hp, I am a happy camper.

Thank you for taking my life and those I care about, into Your Loving Care.  Thank you for spending the day with me.  Thank you that I have experienced Your Loving Care today.