have a grateful heart today.
am thankful for the faith that has provided me with an oasis in the desert of
life choking fear.
green lush grass, cool breezes and sparkling waters refresh my mind with
peaceful thoughts.
don’t need to be afraid. My HP is in
charge and I am not. This is a wonderful
I stay in the “now” I am abundantly provided for and I can enjoy and see the
gifts all around me.
am finding rest and healing for my soul.
is well.
"Don't be afraid,
God will help you!
Don't be afraid,
God will help you!
Just say a prayer,
God's always there.
Don't be afraid,
God will help you now."
A song by Marjorie Booth
"Don't be afraid,
God will help you!
Don't be afraid,
God will help you!
Just say a prayer,
God's always there.
Don't be afraid,
God will help you now."
A song by Marjorie Booth
Dawn AB