God really is in charge and in control….
I really am powerless over __________, people, places and things...and especially over other people's behavior and their lives.
If my job is NOT to try and control things....then I don't need to spend time being upset, angry, resentful or afraid...
The theme for the day is no longer MY WILL BE DONE!!!
Life is now all about: THY (God's) WILL BE DONE!
I can relax and enjoy the moment. God is in charge and I am not. :)
I can look for and actually SEE things I am grateful for.
The theme for the day is no longer MY WILL BE DONE!!!
Life is now all about: THY (God's) WILL BE DONE!
I can relax and enjoy the moment. God is in charge and I am not. :)
I can look for and actually SEE things I am grateful for.
My personal H.P. is in charge and in control….and in complete and perfect care of everything and everyone in my life.