Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Let Go Of Trying To Fix

I’m tired of my old pattern of behavior,
my usual gut reaction to life’s challenges,
heavy with angst and struggle…
Today, working my program is about embracing and accepting powerlessness.
Impossible on my own.
I am grateful that God’s Abilities are Infinitely Greater than mine…
God, please help me accept my powerlessness!
Help me let go
of trying to “fix” the world
so no one gets hurt anymore…..
especially the people I love and care about. 
It is exhausting to try and be the “hp” for me and those around me. 
I am powerless. 
I can let go. 
I can let God.
I don’t have to worry.
I can drop my old stressful desperation to “fix”.
  I don’t have to try and be (and always be a failure) perfect.
I can relax so I can love.
Just for today, I let go of
trying to